There are a special small part of group of people in the world that have a special experience--Transgender. For regular people, transgender dating must be the most confused and mysterious question in the concept of them. What are our sexual orientation? Are we gay or bisexual? How do we usually date? Today we are talking about something that most people don't really grasp the concept of, which is the sexual orientation of transgender people and the people that are dating them.
What is sex? Sex is what you are biologically. You can be male to female, female to male. In other words, you are either male or female. Let's look at the sexual spectrum, there are crazy and diverse things which will be more complicated when you go in and look for answers and create theories. But, we are not going to move on to those crazy details, but to show we don't need to be complicated, and it is just so simple and up-front about us.
Let's review sexual orientation first. When there's a relationship between a man and a woman, we say that it is a straight relationship. Vice versa. A relationship between a woman and a woman, or a man and a man, that is a gay relationship. When there's someone that is going to be in a relationship with either a man or woman and is not bothered by that, there goes bisexuality.
For most transgender girl, we often are straight girls who are only interested in guys. But make sure to know that dating straight guys is not the reason we transition. There are a very small amount of trans girls are bisexual. But there's always a tendency of man over woman. The sexual orientation of trans women are pretty obvious for most.
However, there's always a confusion about the sexual orientation about the guy that dates a trans girl. Did this guy know you are trans? Is he okay with the fact that you have a penis? Is he gay? Is he bisexual? These are the questions often asked by others. The answer is no. He is an absolutely straight guy. Trans girls identify ourselves as female, we present ourselves as female, and we are living full-times as female. There's nothing wrong with a straight man dating us, and also the fact he dates her does not mean he is gay at all.
There's nothing different between dating a trans girl and dating a regular one. Remember us trans are real female regardless of the history or who we were and how many times we are told we are not women. The past does not matter. What matters is the present. Since the minute after our transition, we have become a genuine woman no matter how averse the public is and how hard for them to admit. These cannot change the fact of who we are.
If you are a man who is dating a trans girl or you are interested in a trans girl, you don't need to feel wrong about that. Make sure to know our past and accept it. Go ahead and date as your will.